SPECTRA is the ecosystem token of the Spectra protocol.
On December 17, 2024, following SIP3, the SPECTRA token was introduced, replacing APW as Spectra's ecosystem token. Find the migration guide here.
Ticker: $SPECTRA
Deployed Contracts
Base: https://basescan.org/token/0x64fcc3a02eeeba05ef701b7eed066c6ebd5d4e51 Mainnet: https://etherscan.io/address/0x6a89228055c7c28430692e342f149f37462b478b Optimism: https://optimistic.etherscan.io/address/0x248f43b622ce2f35a14db3fc528284730b619cd5 Arbitrum: https://arbiscan.io/address/0x64fcc3a02eeeba05ef701b7eed066c6ebd5d4e51
Token utility
The SPECTRA token inherits APW’s governance and utility characteristics. These include:
Vote on changes or improvements to the protocol
Ability to create a veSPECTRA Lock
Earn SPECTRA incentives for locking (as voted in SIP 0)
Gauge incentives participation
The SPECTRA token follows the same emission curve as APW. Additional utilities may be added through the governance process.
SPECTRA is now being tracked by:
Coinmarketcap (work in progress)
Liquidity Pools
Emission Schedule
SPECTRA follows the same incentives emission schedule as APW.
The formula for weekly emissions is the following:
1754940 * 0.989^(27+i)
is the current weekly epoch (starting from 0, on Thursday 19 December 2024).For example, during the 7 days from Thursday, February 23 2025 to Thursday, February 30 2025,
1754940 * 0.989^(27+5) = 1.231M
SPECTRA will be distributed.• Emissions dynamically decrease over time, in line with the DAO-approved schedule per SIP 0
Starting at the 105th week, incentives emissions will stabilize at an annual rate of 1.8% of SPECTRA total supply (assuming all APW is migrated).
Token Supply API Endpoints
The circulating and total supply of SPECTRA can be publicly accessed through these API endpoints:
Circulating Supply: https://app.spectra.finance/api/v1/spectra/circulating-supply
Total Supply: https://app.spectra.finance/api/v1/spectra/total-supply
The methodology is the following: on all networks where SPECTRA is deployed, take the totalSupply()
and sum all results. If you need the circulating supply, subtract balances of the Rewarder contracts and DAO treasury addresses (on all networks).
Supply Facts
Absolute Max Supply: 876,751,272
Circulating supply excludes locked tokens
Total supply includes circulating + locked tokens
DAO ecosystem reserve is not part of the circulating supply
Locking $SPECTRA earns revenues + a rebase, calculated as
veSPECTRA.totalSupply / SPECTRA.totalSupply)^3 * 0.5 * weekly emissions
Other Facts
The theoretical max supply assumes no votes to reduce emissions and that all tokens are locked (unlikely in practice = the remaining max emissions could be less than stated above)
Weekly emissions and the rebase mechanism allow for ongoing adjustments, effectively lowering the realized max supply.
SPECTRA Max Supply is not $1B, nor is it infinite. Its max ceiling under the current emissions schedule and tokenomics are 876,751,272 units.
Remaining APW to be migrated Dashboard tracker
APW (Previous ecosystem token)
The APW token contract is immutable, meaning it cannot be paused, destroyed, or burned by any party. As such, the APW will continue to exist on the networks where it has been deployed. However, if liquidity diminishes or disappears over time, major token trackers and DeFi platforms may no longer display or update it.
With Spectra governance contracts migrated to the Base Network and reliant solely on SPECTRA participation, the APW token lost its primary utility. The APW emissions ceased on Thursday, 19 December 2024, CET 02:00 AM.
Last updated